3d Virtual Creature Evolution Download Mac

Evolved Virtual Creatures

Karl Sims, 1994, 4:08

Framsticks is a three-dimensional life simulation project. Both mechanical structures ('bodies') and control systems ('brains') of creatures are modeled. It is possible to design various kinds of experiments, including simple optimization (by evolutionary algorithms), coevolution, open-ended and spontaneous evolution, distinct gene pools and populations, diverse genotype-phenotype mappings. Beast mode free download - BEAST MODE, Beast Wars: Transformers demo, The Mark of the Beast, and many more programs.

3d Evolution Software






This video shows results from a research project involving simulatedDarwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. A population ofseveral hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and eachcreature is tested for their ability to perform a given task, such theability to swim in a simulated water environment. Those that are mostsuccessful survive, and their virtual genes containing codedinstructions for their growth, are copied, combined, and mutated tomake offspring for a new population. The new creatures are againtested, and some may be improvements on their parents. As this cycleof variation and selection continues, creatures with more and moresuccessful behaviors can emerge.The creatures shown are results from many independent simulations inwhich they were selected for swimming, walking, jumping, following,and competing for control of a green cube.

Software and Animation: Karl Sims
Narration: Eric Hansen, thanks to the Berlin VideoMath Festival
Thanks to: Gary Oberbrunner, Matt Fitzgibbon, & Lew Tucker
Hardware: Connection Machine CM-5

See also this episode ofPBSScientific American Frontiers: 'Life's Big Questions' from 1994 whichincludes some additional footage, and Alan Alda discussing the project.

This video also shows Virtual CreatureBloopers with some outtakes in which unexpectedmethods of cheating were discovered.

For related technical publications, see:

'Evolving Virtual Creatures'
K.Sims, Computer Graphics (Siggraph '94 Proceedings), July 1994, pp.15-22.

'Evolving 3D Morphology and Behavior by Competition'
K.Sims, Artificial Life IV Proceedings, ed.by Brooks & Maes, MIT Press,1994, pp.28-39.

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©1994, Karl Sims, All rights reserved.